Pain is the experience of an unpleasant physical or emotional sensation. It can be caused by a myriad of factors such as injury, illness, disease, or emotional distress. It can, also, result from unfelt or unprocessed emotions. It’s the body's way of letting us know that something needs our attention.
Pain can be acute, meaning it’s short-lived, or chronic, meaning it’s persistent and longer lasting.
And pain can have a significant impact on our lives, both physically and emotionally. It can result in reduced mobility and limit our ability to perform daily activities, such as sitting or walking for extended periods, which can further impact our health and wellbeing.
Chronic pain can lead to anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems, as well as making it more challenging to socialise, negatively impacting our quality of life. And it can be harder to concentrate and be productive at work as a result of it, and this can create its own set of problems. Not to mind the costs that can be incurred trying to manage the pain.
So, how can we heal?
Healing from pain can be a multifaceted process, depending on the nature and severity of the pain. We may want to seek medical attention. Also, there are many pain management techniques available such as physical therapy, acupuncture and massage. But it’s, also, important for us to slow down and look within ourselves. What is it that the body wants us to know?
If this is something you are interested in, we have set out some questions to consider below:
Are you practising self-care? Are you moving your body with love? Are you getting enough rest? Are you eating well? How about drinking sufficient water?
How do you feel emotionally within yourself, on a day-to-day basis? Do you take time to check in and see what’s going on inside of you? What emotions are there when you look? And do you experience the same emotions consistently?
Are you making time to reach out and connect with others, to spend quality time with people you care about and who care about you?
Is there some issue in your life that hasn’t been resolved, that needs your attention? Is there something that you have been resisting?
What inspires you? What makes you feel fully alive? And are you giving this any of your attention?
These are just some questions to consider. If you are feeling called to discover more about yourself then set some time aside, get out a pen and paper and allow whatever wants to be expressed to be expressed.
Healing requires patience and a willingness to explore and understand. Our bodies hold immense wisdom. To access more of that wisdom, practise the tried-and-tested technology of the Himalayan yogis on Sattva Connect. Your Support to an Awakened Life!