"Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional" - Anand Ji
It’s a lack of correct knowledge, a lack of awareness, that leads to suffering, bondage and that perpetuates the cycle of karma. It’s not somebody consciously choosing it. It’s the unconscious governing. When the unconscious dominates, the cycle goes on but within that cycle is the potential of breaking it.
This cycle is a whirlpool of karma and the only way out of this cycle is by getting out.
Gravity is a curvature of space-time. This curvature draws everything towards itself. All space-time is infinitely curved onto itself and that’s why everything is moving.
When you are looking at the solar system, there is curvature within it and this curvature makes the planets move. That’s what keeps them in their orbits. The planets aren’t deciding to circle around the sun. It’s part of the creative intelligence which makes it so.
We can speak to it in different manners, such as gravity and the cosmic field, but the fact is that there is a self-organising system which makes it so. It’s a self-organising system which keeps the planets in their orbits. There is no third party involved.
When you observe anything in nature, a tree, your body, anything at all, what do you find? It’s a self-organising system.
So, we live in a universe that is self-organising and, within that are seemingly isolated systems, which are not really isolated. They are interacting with each other at all times.
And that system has patterns and you can observe the patterns. That’s what gives life a certain level of predictability - the floor being under our feet, the sun rising each day.
It's not an individual creating these patterns. It’s a system. These are laws of existence and karma is one of these laws.
So, Karma is not you deciding to be there. It’s the coming together of all the reverberations you have generated within yourself.
If you throw a pebble in a pool of water, it ripples.
The key to getting out of any karmic cycle is to use the whirlpool to throw you out. You have to see where the water is flowing and move in that direction, instead of fighting it.
Karma is not a decision. It is due to lack of awareness, lack of evolutionary alignment, and it can draw a person down into a cycle of suffering.
But it is always possible to break this cycle!
How to get out of the whirlpool?
Slow down in those areas, become vigilant, aware. See where the water is flowing and move in that direction.
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