Himalayan Kundalini is a form of yoga that involves repetitive movements, breathing exercises, mudras and chanting. Its purpose is to awaken the Kundalini energy, otherwise known as Shakti.
Kundalini is the infinite potential of being. Every being has infinite potential. We are designed to evolve, just like the seed is designed to grow into the tree. But just as we need to tend the seed, it is important that we actively engage in our evolution. Evolution is the call of nature and Kundalini is that evolution.
The seat of Kundalini is at the base of the spine, the Muladhara chakra. Kundalini energy is depicted as a serpent and as this energy rises up within us our capacity increases. We develop more self-awareness, our consciousness state expands. We start to go beyond the ideas we have of ourselves and of life, beyond the ego, meeting ourselves before the mind.
As Kundalini rises up along the Sushumna nadi, the central channel, it pierces the chakras, the energy centers of the body, balancing and aligning their energies, bringing us into harmony within ourselves and helping us to continue to move in the direction of evolution.
The techniques involved in Himalayan Kundalini are called Kriyas. In Sanskrit, ‘Kri’ means action and ‘Ya’ is another name for the Atman (soul), so kriya means action that leads to evolution, expansion and liberation. A kriya is a technique designed to create a specific evolutionary response, waking that Kundalini Shakti up and allowing us to access deeper states of Shunya, that silent field. Kriyas generate electricity that transforms our energy, releasing bio-memory and creating shifts in our being.
What are the Benefits of a Himalayan Kundalini Practice?
There are so many benefits of a Himalayan Kundalini practice. We are creating an optimal environment for shifts to happenen at the physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual level... but let's look at a few of the most frequent and immediate benefits;
Relieve Stress & Anxiety
Kriyas purify the blood and release old bio-memory from the body, destressing our system, relieving anxiety and allowing deep peace to arise within.
Improve Your Memory
Kriyas oxygenate the blood and rejuvenate the brain. The improved circulation benefits the brain cells resulting in less tiredness, a sharper mind and improved memory.
Increase Your Vitality
Kriyas are an elixir for good health. They detoxify, rejuvenate and uplift all aspects of our being – body, mind and soul.
Access Deep Silence
Kriyas take us into deep states of Shunya (silence). As we go beyond the stories of the mind, wisdom rises up.
Increase Your Capacity
As we balance the masculine and the feminine, the ida and the pingala, the solar and the lunar currents, we gain access to more of ourselves. Our capacity increases, our creativity is enhanced and we are much more able to see the way.
Evolve Rapidly
We can activate our Kundalini energy in a short time by practicing kriyas. This speeds up our spiritual growth, putting us on the autobahn of evolution.
Feeling inspired? If you are ready to awaken your infinite potential, join us on Sattva Connect for deeply transformative Himalayan Kundalini practices.