What you call a traumatic experience is thought, feeling and emotion all bundled together.
Emotion is not just an abstract experience. It’s a physical experience. We all know what hurt, pain and anger feel like. They show up in your body as your body is a field of information.
Short-term emotion is when emotion arises, peaks and dissipates. But when we engage in that emotion over and over again, we start to maintain that state, that frequency. Then that emotion is not momentary. It starts to have a pattern.
The loop of trauma is when you start to engage in that field, to reverberate in pain, self-hatred, guilt, anger over a period of time. And when you are stuck in that loop, that emotion becomes a feeling.
Every child can have the feeling that their mum doesn’t love them, after they were scolded. These are momentary stresses that every child has to go through. But when these patterns play over and over again, you start to maintain a particular state and that state supports your thinking. You think from that state. You feel from that state. That information field is in your mind field, your emotional field. It starts to register in your physiology and, in that way, it can be passed on through generations.
Your body is an information field and whatever information you are interacting with on a consistent basis becomes your truth. That trauma is not something your body thinks is a lie. That trauma held in your body is memory, something that is true and you are a victim to that. It is your truth and for it to be true, it has to show up in your life.
So an important part of your healing, as you become greater, is that you start to not interact with that information field anymore. When you are not interacting with that information field then it can start to be deleted. But if you are interacting with it, you are feeding it. So that past is feeding you right now.
You show up here as an interpretation of your past. If you have an interpretation of your past which you still hold true, such as you were abused or abandoned or you had really difficult parents and a really difficult life - then that’s your truth. So even now you are still interacting with that information field and that trauma will keep showing up in your physiology. It can later show up as disease or as difficulties in your relations. It will still show up as long as your who-am-I is still engaging with the information field that you established before.
One of the things we are doing in our practice is disengaging from that information field.
That means that you stop interacting with that information field and this opens up the possibility of that information being wiped off your hard drive.
Your body is like a hard drive, in that sense. If you keep using the program, it stays there. But when you realize that you don’t need it, then you can easily delete it.
Look at your computer hard drive. You store everything on it, but then you delete files and folders when you realize that you don’t need them anymore. This is an important part of your healing. As long as you keep giving that information a certain validity, as long as that interpretation of life is valid for your who-am-I, you maintain that trauma. When you realize this, the who-am-I changes and within the changing of the who-am-I the interpretation has to change.
Remember the memory you have of your life is not your life. It’s an opinion you have of your life.
There are two aspects to this moment. There is this moment and then there is the interpretation of this moment. Your interpretation of this moment is not this moment. So you have the power to alter the interpretation but you can only alter the interpretation as the interpreter alters, as YOU change. You cannot remain the same.
If someone grows up with father issues and really can’t resolve that, on the behavioral level they will start creating that cycle in their life with men. It can show up as having issues with men in positions of authority. It can show up in your back or in your emotions or how you relate with others. As long as you keep engaging in that information field, it will keep showing up in your life. You cannot run away from yourself. But you can alter yourself and, in doing so, you clear these patterns from your life.
It is within your power to change your programming. Are you willing?