As the clocks tick, the date changes and the calendars shuffle over, acknowledge the lessons you have learned and the growth you have had.
As we go in circles around this great ball of fire, our ally, time, holds us by the hand and takes us deeper and deeper into the great revelation. It walks with us and lets us experience this fragrant garden of existence, this magical play of Divine mother.
So, pause, right now, and look back with eyes filled with appreciation and a heart filled with gratitude, for all that the great Kala, God as time, has shown you.
Your journey is actually a journey in time only, spatially you have just been here, on this tiny blue dot, whirling around on its own axis, around the seat of Gayatri, the great Surya, luminous presence, just going around in circles, somehow journeying in a linear progression through time.
In time, scenes change, different possibilities, different characters emerge, challenges arise, victories happen, pain occurs. Yet, the hand is being held and we are all walking, in this magnificent dimension of reality, where we are surrounded by stars that shine, water that flows, people who love, birds that sing, flowers that blossom, fruits that fall from the tree, people who cry and laugh, children who are born and play, the list goes on and on.
We have all journeyed here in time and we will continue to do so in this body and beyond and yet slicing time is somehow very helpful to reassess, to acknowledge our journey, to really realign ourselves to that radical gratefulness and radiate it out into our lives because as we see the past, so comes the future.
The seer sees from here. Past is seen from here and the future is met here and so, whatever state is maintained here, so is the past and so shall the future be.
We have journeyed so far in time, you and I. Can you see how full of grace this journey has been? Here we are in December ‘22. How many breaths we have taken, how much grace, how much support we have had.
Acknowledge the beauty, the grace that is your life, even the so-called challenges are just opportunities to experience ourselves and know ourselves deeper.
So, every day for this year, let’s really get to that powerful state of loving appreciation, for this journey, for all that has been revealed to us, for the flowers that have blossomed, for the challenges, for all the learning. This is the great beloved. She reveals herself piece by piece and, in that, lies the great miracle. If she revealed all at once where would the journey be? Where would the path be? The great Kala is indeed our ally. Can you see that, in your heart, time as grace?
When you look from authentic humility, you cannot deny the presence in your own journey, along the magnificent spirit that is time.
So, extend your hands out into the hands of time, as time is our great ally. In time, we learn, in time we grow, in time the secrets are revealed to us more and more, we discover the greater depths of the Divine.
We don’t need to control time. We surrender to time.
From the first breath, to this breath right here, it’s been a journey of grace so we bow and open our arms and our hearts to the great God time and say reveal to us more, take us, by the hand, deeper and deeper into truth, into realization, for time is our ally, our beloved and in time we keep winning and keep celebrating and keep loving deeper.
So, use this slice of time that is December ’22 to have a deep conversation in your heart and radiate that prayer out into the field. Let go of any residue of avidya, or resentment. Let go of complaining. Cleanse, travel light, a clean heart and a clean mind, a clean aura.