What is gratitude?
Gratitude is the quality of appreciating what is. It involves focusing on the positive aspects of life, rather than dwelling on the negative, and recognizing all the gifts that life offers.
Why be grateful?
Gratitude is a powerful tool for improving mental health and overall wellness and, when we feel good in body and mind, our life takes on a whole other quality. The way we show up to life, how we meet life, the way we interact with those around us, all changes.
How to cultivate gratitude?
If you are looking to cultivate more gratitude in your life, we have set out some ways to start below:
Start a Gratitude Journal
Write down three things each day that you are grateful for. This helps you to become more aware of all that you have in your life.
Become Present
Slow down and take time to notice and appreciate the small things in life. When was the last time you heard the birds singing?
Express Gratitude
Say thank you. Maybe someone did something for you or maybe you are just grateful for their presence in your life. Let others know how you feel.
Count Your Blessings
Instead of focusing on what you don't have, notice all that you do have and allow that to fill you up; really feel it!
Practice Self-Care
When you feel good, it’s easier to notice all the beautiful gifts that life presents you with. Slow down and make time for you today.
Practice Self-Compassion
Be gentle with yourself, acknowledging how far you have come and that you are human and it’s ok to make mistakes.
Surround Yourself with Positivity
We become like the people we spend the most time with. Being around positive, grateful people helps us to see the good in life and, when you are having an off-day, their energy helps to lift you up.
Give Back
Whatever it is that you want, give first. When you give, you are letting the universe know that you have more than enough and then a funny thing happens - more comes your way; as like attracts like.
Remember, gratitude is something that we get to practise on a daily basis and in doing so we gain a more positive outlook and our life becomes more filled with joy. And if you are looking for more support on your journey, know that the wisdom and technology of the Himalayan yogis is readily available on Sattva Connect. Your Support to an Awakened Life!