In yoga, it’s said that there is only one love and that love can never be found. That love is not an act you can do. That love can only be experienced. And that love can only be experienced in utter silence. As long as there is thought, movement, there is me, there is no love. There is only the idea of love.
In that love there is not even one, forget about two. When you begin to experience that love you become love itself.
The being who exists in time cannot find love. He can only find fear, ownership, control, jealousy, projection, misery, because love cannot be found in time.
The love that we are longing for can only be experienced in the timeless domain, in the vertical domain, in the utter silence of our being.
There is an eternal love affair happening right here, right now, where the finite and the infinite are merging within each other in this very moment. You are the product of that eternal love affair and when you really experience that love there is no me. There is just love.
Neurosis abounds in our world, yet love is always loving us. The ego’s fundamental experience of life is threat, fear, me, me, me. And this me is looking for love. But true love, the eternal lover that we have been longing for, is singing silently. That love has been eternally loving us but it can never be found in thought or time or in shape or form. It can only be experienced.
Tantra is not about making love. It’s about refining energy. It’s about shaping consciousness, going to deeper states of meditation, deeper states of silence where you can experience love.
You can get deeper and deeper into silence together or alone, but you will have to reach that stage where there is no you, no me, no other, only presence. That is pure love. And when you are in that love, you free whomever you come across. Your love is not controlling. It’s not entitled. It has no blame, no fear in it anymore. Your love is simply love.
You have to turn to silence to hear the song of love. That love is liberating. In that love there is compassion, great reverence, abundance. No lack is there, no holding tight, no me, no mine, no fear of loss.
The depth of your silence is directly proportional to the depth of love you are experiencing and the intelligence you have access to. So as you experiment with silence more and more, you will see your whole life transform around it.
This silence is the radical silence which penetrates the conscious and subconscious realms and takes you to that source within you which is right here. You don’t need to take a train to get within. When you get within, you realize there is no within and no without. There is only is-ness. Be in love here-now. Everything you touch will change. Everything you encounter will absorb your fragrance and everywhere you go people will sense that.
We are here in this body for the blink of an eye – just a butterfly flapping its wings. When will we live fully? If not now, then when?
Close your eyes, breathe, stabilize and let the heart smile a little. Give yourself permission to experience love. Yes, it can happen to you just the way you are. This idea of self-worth doesn’t exist in the presence of love. Feel that love filling every cell in your being.
No effort is required for love. Love is the most effortless thing. Simply turn to silence and love fills you up and giggles inside you. That love is liberating. That love is God’s love. That is the only love which will heal us, which will heal humanity.
So our invitation to you is to experience love and love alone. Don’t look for it. Don’t hope for it. Experience it by turning to silence more and more. Come to love first, then everything else comes, because the moment you turn to love fully, you are the most intelligent creature alive.
To learn more about the yogic understanding of love and how to live a life of love, join Anand Ji in his ‘Art of Relating’ course (here) or Dalia in her ‘Yoga of Love’ course (here) – only on Sattva Connect.