You might have a vision about the future, but that’s different from ambition.
Ambition creates disturbance as it doesn’t allow time to be here. It is as if now isn’t good enough, as if you have to get somewhere else to be happy. But you can never get there as you are always here. So, you see, ambition is unsustainable. Instead, have surrendered vision. In vision, you always have time to be here.
As you evolve, ambition decreases. You will have vision and it will be simple. Ambition brings restlessness, as it comes from a place of not feeling worthy of love. Vision brings stillness, as it’s not about you. It’s just flowing through you.
Vision includes who you are. It’s a natural expression of the unfoldment of existence. When you become more present, here starts to expand. You surrender and you have vision.
Wondering how to move from ambition to surrendered vision?
Start by doing whatever you are doing to the best of your ability. Grow, evolve. Then when the signal comes, don’t hesitate, move like lightening. But when the signal is not clear, take it easy. Take action based on what arises in the moment. Accept, adapt, accommodate and act. Take small steps consistently from a surrendered state.
How do you know when the signal comes? This ability comes with refining your consciousness.
How do refine your consciousness? Start to meditate, spring clean yourself from the inside out. Listen to enlivening wisdom to correct your intellect, inspire and uplift yourself and start to embody the knowledge. Observe yourself, your habits, your patterns and correct yourself when you find that you are going astray. And then fully show up in each moment and flow with the cosmic dance of creation.
Surrender to the Is-ness of Is-ness. You are finite with the infinite packed into you. Allow its creativity to flow through you.