The fundamental building block of all existence is immaterial. Fundamentally, there is no matter. All matter is spirit condensed, or thought condensed, or consciousness condensed. No matter how you look, you have to come to a dimension where matter ends. So it’s important for us to go within and experience that silent field. That is a fundamental requirement for any level of sanity in an individual. As karma is always acting, an individual who is not capable of stabilizing this inner silence within their own consciousness is just waiting for a trigger.
Inner silence arises first as emptiness. You can confuse the void as nothing, but it is not nothing. It is everything. That nothing is the undifferentiated state, as there are no boundaries. When you encounter that undifferentiated state, it will feel like nothing yet it has everything. That is the dimension of Sat.
Sat is the changeless, pure consciousness, pure being, that dimension of being which is subtler than space and time. Sat is that indivisible whole, no boundaries are there. Because Sat is subtler than time it is always here. Hence, from the yogic perspective, God is always locatable.
But why is there anything at all?
Because there is the impulse within the womb of the infinite. That impulse is Shakti. That is the Iccha Shakti (will). That action is occurring at the level of consciousness. Consciousness cannot not create. The nature of consciousness is to create, as experience makes consciousness knowable. For consciousness to be experienced, it has to know and that knowingness is a dynamic quality within consciousness - awareness.
This will is Satya Sankalpa. Sat has will, that will is dynamism and that movement is Shakti (the mother principle). That will gives rise to this whole Lila and it’s all happening within the consciousness field.
The infinite being wills at the finest level of consciousness (‘May I be born as many’) and that sets up a sequence. And since we are an expression of that, the nature of atman is Brahman, all that we will at that finest level also comes to be at the grosser level of the mind and also at the subtle level.
So, what is it that you are willing into existence in your life?
Pay attention, because what you seek you shall find. Whatever you contemplate with enough intensity comes to pass, the hell and also heaven. It’s important to be very vigilant and tend to that garden, noticing what you allow to grow there because whatever you will, you can make real for yourself.
There is a deep-rooted self-hatred which ego survives on. There is a strange attachment to suffering within the unconscious mind. So samskaras bubble up and if you are not alert you engage with them. And before you know it your energy is there and it multiplies. We want no ignorance at the level of causal memory. Past life samskaras are held at this level and they bubble up. And when they do, if you are not alert, you will them into existence again, so you keep dreaming the same dream over and over again.
Yatha pinde tatha brahmande - As is the universe within, so is the universe without.
So all suffering requires your participation. What are you creating at the level of your own consciousness? You are the storyteller and you are also the listener.
And what is your satya sankalpa? What is your interest? There is no right or wrong. You make a choice and there are consequences of that choice. What is it that you are interested in? You have creative power so you can create demons and your own zombie apocalypse. But you deserve not to suffer because as long as you suffer everyone in your life suffers.
We want creativity to happen through us and in that through us there is only success. As you develop deep self-love, you realize that you deserve to not be your own enemy.
What is it that you are interested in?
To dive deeper into this profound wisdom check out our upcoming Chandogya Upanishads Course - only available on Sattva Connect!