Having a set space for meditation is not compulsory. You can meditate anywhere you feel charmed – in a garden, at work, in the doctor’s waiting room, or even the airport.
However, when you consistently meditate in one place, you create a strong energetic space which supports you in your practice – in dropping into meditation more easily, going deeper within and maintaining that state.
So, if you decide to create your own meditation space, we have some great tips for you.
Sacred Space
Select an area that is free from foot traffic and other distractions. Meditation is not about making the world quiet so that we can find stillness. Instead, it’s about locating that stillness within, despite all that’s going on. However, when starting to meditate, it is supportive to choose a place where you will not be so easily disturbed.
Create an altar, using any items with which you feel a sacred connection. This can include statues, pictures, incense, candles, malas (strands of beads for keeping count during mantra meditation), crystals, books, flowers, leaves, stones, shells – whatever it is that your heart desires. The altar is an external representation of your inner altar (sacredness) – a sacred place where you make time to be with yourself.
Clean and Clutter Free
Keep the space clean and clutter-free. If the space around you is clean and in order, it makes it easier for your mind to relax.
Keep the area well-ventilated, if possible. We want a clear flow of energy within and without. If you feel drawn to energetically cleanse the space, you can use dhupam (incense).
The most important element of posture is to maintain a lengthened spine, so that the energy can flow through the spine without obstruction. You can choose any seated posture (Siddhasana, Vajrasana, or seated in a chair with feet on the floor) that allows you to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible. It can be helpful to elevate your hips with a cushion (sitting on the edge of the cushion, to allow for a natural curve of the spine) for comfort and for a more stable foundation. If you are seated on the floor, place one foot in front of the other. You do not need to have them crossed on top of each other.
Switch Off and Tune In
Make sure that you either switch off your phone or keep it on silent mode, during your meditation time. Mediation is you making time for you. The world can wait! And you will meet the world from a much better place after your practice.
Alright, there you have it. Your own little oasis. Happy meditating!