In the Pranamaya Kosha, or the energy body, there are 72,000 nadis. The 3 main nadis the left, the right and the central – the Ida, the Pingala, and the Sushumna nadis.
Nadis are pathways of energy that permeate our body.
Our body is sustained through the flow of energy within our system. As Kundalini awakens, it starts to permeate the nadis, enlivening the whole system, giving us access to full value living.
Only when energy enters into the Sushumna does life really begin.
The Pingala nadi qualities are that of dynamism, activity, masculinity, positivity, yang energy. The Ida nadi is the energy which is passive, receptive, feminine, negative and yin. The Ida and the Pingala, the masculine and the feminine, the solar and the lunar currents, rise up either side of the spine, intersecting with the central channel (the Sushumna) as they go. The Sushumna runs along the spinal cord in the centre, through the seven chakras. This flow is the result of the balanced interaction between the first two.
When the Sushumna Nadi is not open, the system is imbalanced.
There seems to be a conflict between our masculine and feminine sides, our extrovert and introvert natures, between the heart and the mind, between the longing to love and yet being scared to love, between wanting to stand up for something greater yet being scared of the collateral it might bring. We are constantly struggling with this duality within us.
Kundalini ascends through the Sushumna, the golden pathway.
As Kundalini awakens, what naturally starts to happen is the harmonisation of the polarities within our psyche. We start to express greater capacity, where we become more and more capable of existing with the polarities of life in harmony, with the need for strength and softness, intuition and intellect. The heart and the mind start to work together. The intuition starts to inform the intellect and the intellect confirms the intuition.
As we awaken this flow, we start to access a deep spaciousness within ourselves, where we are not subservient to circumstance anymore. We then have an inner balance that cannot be disturbed. It is then that life really begins.
Dynamic stillness, engaged in the world, yet in a state of total relaxation, or ‘not doing’.
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