We can spend a lot of time thinking about the past and the future. This depletes our energy and makes us miss out on what’s happening right here and now. Meditation is a practice to train the mind to come into the present moment, the only place where life exists. Meditation is the fundamental practice in the yogic tradition as it is so important for our sanity in this world. It takes us beyond the mind. Until we transcend the mind, we are living within the mind and it’s not always a pleasant place. It is impossible to list all the benefits of this beautiful practice, but let’s take a look at a few of them.
Upgrade Your Learning Ability
Consistent meditation leads to increased grey matter in the hippocampus. This part of the brain plays a huge role in memory and learning.
Present Moment Awareness
As we come into the present moment, we gain in energy as we are no longer being depleted by the incessant jumping of the monkey mind between past and future. As we start to live in the moment, we see all the opportunities that life presents us. We feel more inspired, as we are connected to the source of who we are.
Gain New Perspectives
As we focus our attention on the present moment, the stream of jumbled thoughts that were crowding the mind subsides and we start to see more clearly and gain new perspectives on previously stressful situations.
Reducing Negative Emotions
Emotion is energy in motion. It wants to move through us but in order for us to be able to allow that to happen, we need to cultivate spaciousness within ourselves. This is what meditation does. As we meditate, we allow old stored emotions to move through us, cleansing our system from the inside out, elevating our energy.
Restore Your Peace
Even just a few minutes of meditation can help reduce stress and restore inner peace as we come into the present moment. This positively benefits emotional well-being and your overall health.
Increase Your Self-Awareness
As we come off the surface of life and dive deeper within ourselves, we start to see our patterns more clearly. This new awareness allows us to come out of the ever-repeating known, shifting old habits and finding new ways of being.
Create Loving Ripples
Meditation is important not just for our own peace of mind, but also because how we are inside is what we end up putting out into the world. So, this inner stability also benefits the collective. As we become happier within ourselves, the value that we add into the world increases dramatically.
What else do you need to know?
Anyone can practice meditation. It's simple and inexpensive. It doesn't require any special equipment and you can practice wherever you are. Meditation helps you destress your system, clearing out that information overload that can build up as you move throughout your day. It helps you be more stable so you can see more clearly. You are less affected by the fluctuations of life and so you can interact with others in a much more elegant way. And as you become more consistent in your meditation practice, you find that reasonless joy starts to bubble up and it flows out into the world, through YOU.
Check out the Meditation Lab on Sattva Connect for a myriad of practices to help you destress and drop you into a deeper part of yourself. No more living on the surface. It’s time to dive deep!