Many ask, "What is my purpose?" expecting a specific role or job. But dharma goes deeper—it's about aligning with the universe, living with purpose, intention, and grace.
If that resonates, let’s explore the Triangle of Dharma, which consists of three distinct yet interconnected corners: Evolution, Moment-to-Moment Purpose, and The Song of the Universe.
The first corner of the Triangle is Evolution. This is the soul’s primary dharma: to grow, refine your consciousness, and become a better version of yourself each day. It’s not about finding a specific career but about personal development and realizing your infinite potential. Evolution is the foundation of dharma, focusing on continual self-improvement and awareness.
The second corner is Moment-to-Moment Purpose. As you evolve, you naturally become more attuned to the present moment. Each moment offers a unique purpose, and being fully present allows you to recognize and meet these needs with grace. Ask yourself, What is life asking of me right now? This corner of the triangle emphasizes living purposefully in the here and now, ensuring that your actions align with the immediate needs of life.
The third corner is The Song of the Universe. When you align with Evolution and Moment-to-Moment Purpose, the universe may reveal a unique calling—a specific path or mission meant for you. This could manifest as a creative endeavor, a profound mission, or an unexpected journey. Not everyone will receive a clear calling, and that’s perfectly okay. This corner highlights how cosmic resonance can guide you when you are in alignment with the other two corners.
The Triangle of Dharma illustrates that dharma goes beyond choosing a career. It’s about a dynamic interplay between personal growth, immediate purpose, and cosmic alignment. It involves evolving as a person, being fully present, and letting the universe express itself through you if it offers a calling.
As the ancient wisdom says, Yatho Dharma Tatho Jaya—wherever there is dharma, there is victory. By embracing these three corners of the Triangle, you can experience a deeper, more fulfilling sense of success and expansion in your life.
Start by focusing on your own evolution. Become the best version of yourself, live with awareness in each moment, and fulfill the needs of the present with grace. If a deeper calling arises, follow it without hesitation.
The purpose of dance is to dance. The purpose of life is to live with elegance. Yatho Dharma Tatho Jaya. Where there is dharma, there is victory.