Nadi Shodhana is alternate nostril breathing. ‘Nadi’ in Sanskrit means flow or channel and ‘shodhana’ means purification, so it’s a technique to clear the subtle channels of the body’s energy flow.
What can Nadi Shodhana do for you?
The practice of Nadi Shodhana has many benefits. It cleanses the body, releasing toxins, reduces stress and calms the nervous system, clears the respiratory passages, harmonizes the flow of energy through the ida (lunar channel) and pingala (solar channel), balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, promotes health and increases concentration and clarity.
When to do it?
This is a great practice to do in the morning before meditation or at any time during the day, if you feel stressed.
How to do it?
To practice, begin in a seated position with a lengthened spine. Close your eyes and come to a deep, relaxed breath.
Then close your right nostril with your right thumb while resting your index and middle fingers on the third eye. Inhale through the left nostril. Close the left nostril with the right ring finger and exhale through the right nostril. Then inhale through the right nostril, close the right nostril and exhale through the left.
This is one round of Nadi Shodhana. Continue this alternate nostril breathing for several rounds, keeping your awareness on your breath, breathing slowly and smoothly.
How often should you practice it?
It’s ok to start with two or three minutes a day and then build up from there. Practicing twice a day will bring increased results. As you practice more, you will notice its benefits increase.
Living a Better Life
Without having access to the energy within the body, we cannot refine the nervous system. The breath is the access point to our prana (life force energy). Through the breath we can refine the nervous system, calm the mind and deepen our presence so that we can enjoy this thing called life.
There are many different breathing techniques. Some to cleanse and activate, others to calm and stabilize. Visit the Pranayama Lab on Sattva Connect to learn more about specific pranayama practices that can support you in living the life you want to live.