What is a Yantra?
The Sanskrit word yantra comes from the word ‘yam’ meaning to sustain, hold, or support the energy inherent in a particular object, element, or concept.
Every yantra is a sacred enclosure or dwelling of an Ishta Devata.
Yantra is one of the aspects of Tantra and it works as a substitute for the image or murti of a deity as it contains its mantra and the vibration of the deity, expressing its sense of spirit and energy.
Yantras are most commonly drawn on paper or engraved on metal or crystal. The focus of the yantra is always its centre, or bindu, from which everything radiates outward.
It is the region of the Absolute where the ultimate union of the aspirant with the Divine takes place.
Awakening one’s inner centre implies gathering one’s self into a single creative point and balancing its expansion into totality. To “centre” one’s self is a way toward inner awakening.
One can use a yantra as a form of meditation as it represents a subtler level of reality.
There are many yantras in Tantra but the Sri Yantra is the mother of all.
What is the Sri Yantra?
The Sri Yantra is the most powerful and celebrated of all tantric yantras. It is a representation of cosmic creation, an expression of the multidimensional nature of reality. At the core, there is stillness with infinity in all directions.
The whole cosmos organizes itself around a still centre.
In the centre triangle is the bindu, where Tripura Sundari resides and from which the totality of existence emanates. It is where unity with the cosmos and the merging between the masculine and feminine is experienced. At this point, all radiates outward. The nature of nature is to expand. All the triangles represent this expansion but yet maintain the quality of stillness.
How to use it?
The Sri Yantra is a powerful tool for meditation. Simply by gazing at the symbol, you receive its energy.
How can you start now?
If you are looking to invoke the qualities of Sri (abundance, creativity, total fulfilment and gratitude) in your life, join Annemarie for her Sri Yantra Set on Sattva Connect. Journey into the heart of the cosmic mother!