We live in a vibrating universe where there is no static value. There are just events of energy unfolding at different rates. Shakti is the vibrating expression of consciousness. It’s the primordial field of energy which permeates the entire manifest reality, without which nothing can exist. It is from where all subatomic particles are being birthed into existence. It’s within the rock, the tree, the bird, the so-called empty space, the entire intergalactic universe.
As that Shakti is localized within the individual, it is called Kundalini. It represents the infinite potential of the individual within space-time.
Prana is always available to us. Kundalini is not. Kundalini needs awakening. However, through working with Prana, we can awaken Kundalini. Prana is an expression of Kundalini only, but as we intensify Prana, Kundalini starts to awaken and infuse that prana.
So, how does it all work?
Within your body at the subatomic realm is the infinite field of energy. We don’t exist independent of that one consciousness, of that dimension of pure being. We are an expression of that and so we can learn to access a greater depth of that ocean, harnessing more of our potential and bringing it forth into the manifest reality.
Kundalini gives us a clear pathway of evolution. As we work with the different aspects of ourselves, we start to awaken our own inner potential.
The evolution of being is the increase in intensity and knowingness. You become more intensely alive, experiencing and expressing in a more conscious, alive and intense manner.
There is no such thing as a great life. There are only great people. Life is nothing but an experience and an expression. So, as we awaken to our own greatness, then naturally what emerges from us and is experienced by us has greatness in it.
Awaken to that knowingness that there is infinity within you, that you are ultimately the infinite expressing in finite shape and form. Your potential cannot be measured and it will keep unfolding in time. There is nothing wrong with who you are or where you are. There is nothing wrong with life. There is only the potential for growth and that’s what Kundalini is!
Kundalini’s invitation is for us to have a great life, for us to awaken to our own innate greatness which is hiding in plain sight.