Your deserving power is directly proportional to your staying power.
What level of consciousness you most consistently maintain, you become capable of receiving that value in your life.
The universe organises itself around a consistent frequency. So, when we say deserving power, potentially every individual is deserving of totality, is capable of receiving of totality as every individual is a point value of infinity. We are an expression of infinity in the relative value but practically this doesn’t happen, not every individual will access infinity in their visceral living reality.
Your life is a direct reflection of who you are being most of the time, what are you engaged in. And who you are is someone you are consistently being, not every now and then but who you are most consistently in yourself. You start to create that frequency around yourself and life starts to organise itself according to that.
The universe organises itself around the most consistent principle (frequency) you put out.
So, when you are consistently in the progressive self, you start to raise your deserving power, you allow infinity in, more and more.
When we do not have that staying power, then even though we are hypothetically deserving, we are not showing up as deserving. That leads to people with all kinds of frustration in their lives.
You need to show up as deserving, not just be hypothetically deserving.
One of the main reasons that people are frustrated is that they think their life should be better. They keep believing this myth, this illusion, that there is a life outside them and that life is something that happens to them and mostly it’s not fair, so they need to fight, compete, be on guard. This is the lower mind.
There is no life outside you. You are life. Life does not happen to you. Life is an extension of you. Life can only be how you are. Life cannot be any other way. That’s simply a fact.
Anything in your life is the way it is because you give it permission to be so. You are life. We need to realise this in order to awaken. This is a fundamental value of awakening.
A fundamental aspect of an awakened individual is coming to this realisation that ‘There is no life outside me. I am life’. What you call life is the experience of yourself. What you call life is you living.
But there is this delusion and it’s so persistent. Why? Because the senses are designed to appreciate life, so they are designed to appreciate this extension of self, to rejoice in the extended self. But when the awareness is not illuminated, the knowing quality of consciousness gets confused and thinks life is out there and I am here.
So, most people think they are in the wrong place. That’s why they are not present. Most people are going through their lives without being present because they think they should be somewhere else, as ‘life is out there and I am here’.
No matter where you go it’s you only. You are it.
Only when you really start to realise that, really start to work on that, do you develop. That develops your deserving power, consistently showing up in that way.
Consistency is the key. The consistency of awareness, the continuity of awareness, is life itself.
Hypothetically, right now you are deserving of supreme love. That’s what is happening right now. All that’s happening right now is love but then why aren’t you experiencing it? Because you don’t want to. It’s as simple as that. So, you stay in the loop.
When you start to break through that loop, that’s the beginning of awakening, a moment of grace.
No truly grateful person can have the experience that life is unfair to me. It can’t happen. If you are a grateful person that means that your fundamental vision of life is that life is really great to me. That’s your vision of life, so naturally you are seeing more of that and what you see more of comes to you more.
If you are a truly grateful person, life will be really great to you. You will get things much more easily. Doors will open much more easily for you. Why? Because it is you only. It’s you!
So, without consistently showing up to a certain level of our consciousness, we have no deserving power. It doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve it. It means that you have to show up to that level where that vision becomes possible.
You have to climb the mountain to see the view from there. You can’t remain at the bottom of it and see that view. Either you have to climb the mountain or you have to expand your consciousness to that level where someone else can climb the mountain and you can see through their eyes.
You can’t remain the same and expect life to change. People don’t want to grow, to evolve, but they want a better life, more love. They want to find their ‘soulmate’, to be enlightenment, but their action is just chasing the wants. They remain the same but they keep chasing the wants. In this way, life doesn’t get better.
The fulfilment of the want doesn’t make people any happier. It’s not the fulfilment of the wanting that frees us. It’s the self.
So, what you deserve here, accept, experience, receive here is directly contingent on your own deserving power. And who decides your deserving power? Not someone else. You do.
You decide your deserving power. Nobody else does. You have to show up to that level. You have to awaken to that level within yourself.
So, what you experience right now (and this can alter your life if you really get it), what you receive right now, is totally contingent on your own deserving power. Your whole life is ultimately an extension of that. And we raise our deserving power by diving within the great depth of ourselves. And, Sattva Connect is here to Support Your Awakening!