There’s a tendency within us to self-sabotage. We reach a certain point and then we sabotage ourselves, so we don’t go all the way. But when the eagle dives for its prey, it goes all the way. It’s committed to that movement. It does not wait. No waiting is there.
So, what are we doing differently?
We’re getting caught up in the chatter of the mind, instead of listening to that voice in the heart. But once you’ve heard that voice in your heart, that silent voice, you can’t drown it out. And when you start to follow the whispers of your heart, the voice of your spirit, you’ll find yourself in places, in moments, which you never thought even existed.
It’s that silent voice in the heart that guides you there.
When you learn to follow that inner voice and learn to go all the way, what you will find is a life full of magic, a life full of ecstasy, a life full of bliss.
Learn to go all the way because there is nothing that can hold you back, except your own ideas of what you think is possible for you. And what you think is possible or not possible is based on your conditioning. It’s just your attachment to a limited idea of who you think you are. As you discover who you really are, nothing is not possible for you.
So, what are you waiting for?
What needs to happen for you to listen to your heart and follow the call of your spirit?
If you are not living the life that is being called to you, whose life are you living? How do you think you can find fulfillment in a life that’s not yours?
Your life is meant to fulfill you and as long as you are not living your life, that life that is calling you in the very intimacy of your heart, you will keep fighting, looking for your place in the world; you will keep wearing masks, waiting and hoping that somewhere in the future you will find yourself.
But there is another way.
You can pause, take a deep breath and locate that inner silence. Listen to the silence. She has so much to say. And as you do, you will realize that there is nothing that is not possible for you because you are infinity itself.
So, learn to go all the way! Feel supported on your journey through the integrated practice available on Sattva Connect.