Mudras are powerful tools for harnessing energy, deepening awareness, and creating shifts in the physical, mental and emotional bodies.
And Namaskar Mudra holds a special place for its ability to unify the divine feminine and the divine masculine principles bringing an experience of wholeness, sacredness and fullness of life. Feeling intrigued? Let’s explore!
Namaskar means to bow or greet with respect and Mudra means a seal or gesture, so Namaskar Mudra represents the act of paying homage to the divine within and without, acknowledging the sacredness of all beings and the interconnectedness of life.
Namaskar Mudra symbolises the union of opposites, the balance of yin and yang, right and left, masculine and feminine, solar and lunar and the integration of body, mind, and spirit.
It involves bringing the palms together at the heart centre, with the fingers pointing upward and the thumbs lightly pressing against the sternum.
It represents the recognition of the divine spark within each being and the expression of gratitude and reverence for the sacredness of life.
To practice Namaskar Mudra, stand or sit in a comfortable position with a tall spine and a relaxed body. Bring your hands together at the heart centre, with the palms touching and the fingers pointing upwards.
Gently press the thumbs against the sternum, creating a connection with the heart centre. Softly, close your eyes and bring your awareness to your breath, allowing it to flow naturally and effortlessly.
As you hold Namaskar Mudra, cultivate a sense of reverence, gratitude, and humility in your heart. Feel the divine presence within and around you, acknowledging the sacredness of all beings and the interconnectedness of life.
Allow yourself to surrender to the experience of unity and oneness, embracing the inherent beauty and divinity of existence.
Cultivates Reverence & Gratitude
Namaskar Mudra fosters a sense of reverence, gratitude, and humility in the practitioner's heart, promoting a deeper appreciation for the sacredness of life and the interconnectedness of all beings.
Balances & Centers the Mind
By bringing the palms together at the heart centre, Namaskar Mudra helps to balance and centre the mind, promoting a sense of inner peace, harmony, and equanimity.
Connects with the Heart Chakra
Namaskar Mudra activates the heart chakra, the centre of love, compassion, and connection, allowing practitioners to open their hearts to the divine, expand their lovingness and allow that to be what they add into the world.
Enhances Spiritual Connection
Namaskar Mudra facilitates a deeper connection with the divine, allowing practitioners to experience a sense of communion with the sacredness of life and the eternal presence of the divine.
As we explore Namaskar Mudra, we are reminded of the profound importance of honouring the sacredness of life and fostering a connection with the divine and, as we do, we are led towards greater harmony, love and joy in our hearts and in the world and we feel the support of nature more and more. Then this whole play of life becomes so much more sweet!
And if you are interested in taking a deep dive into the science of mudras, know that there is a new course coming soon to Sattva Connect where you can learn the Sacred Study of Ancient Hand Gestures - Tattva Yoga Mudra Vigyan with Sattva Master Teacher Meera. Stay tuned for more information!