Every being, every finite expression, at the base is infinite.
As we refine our observation, we reach that level. Whether it’s an individual or a mango, it all reaches down to that level of emptiness and that emptiness is filled with incredible intelligence. The seed in its emptiness holds the whole design of the tree.
In humans, the nervous system has greater complexity and so there is greater capacity. The law of nature is the greater the complexity, the greater the capacity. This does not mean more intelligence. It is simply more capacity. It can also mean greater capacity to be violent.
A butterfly has a simple nervous system, less neurons. Incredible intelligence is there, but there is less capacity. The butterfly doesn’t bother anyone.
Ants have an incredible level of intelligence – how they communicate, walk, how they are able to support each other in their colonies, how they make bridges of their own bodies – incredibly complex behavior is there, but their capacity is still limited. They are only impactful in their own realm.
The greater the complexity, the greater the capacity.
In a human birth, the soul acquires a nervous system of greater complexity and in that there is greater capacity. It is in our interest to use this greater capacity to move in the direction of greater harmony, greater infinity, greater intelligence. Otherwise, we move in the direction of greater ignorance, greater violence. This is because, in time, change is constant, so you can either change progressively or regressively.
Progressive change is the awakening of kundalini – the finite taking on greater and greater value of the infinite within itself.
Beneath the wave is the ocean. They are both made up of the same material. The water is the ocean and the wave. They are ultimately the same.
It is consciousness that has risen up as the body, your body. When we say you are not this body, we are not saying you are not this body. We are saying you are not just this body. But you are this body too.
You must honor this body, enjoy this body. And when you work with this body and with the subtler energies, the prana, the intelligence of this body gains greater and greater infinite value within itself. And as we gain greater infinite value, we gain greater elegance. We come into greater harmony with life.
Our minds are designed to move in the direction of more. But that more can never be enough in the external realm. We have verified this from our own observation - more is never enough. We can never get enough.
That desire to gain more is actually the desire to find greater infinite value within ourselves, greater God experience. That’s what we are looking for – the experience of God. Not the idea of God, not the word of God, not the religion of God, but the inner experience, the living experience of your own God nature, Godliness – the finite tasting its own infinite value.
Infinity by its very nature is infinite so this progression continues – greater and greater embodiment of kundalini.
Kundalini is the infinite potential of being. Every being has infinite potential. The greater the complexity of the nervous system, the greater the capacity. As humans, we can process time. We are the only species who can drive ourselves to panic just by sitting in the sun. There is no other species that can do that. Every species can be afraid, experience fear but no other species can be sitting in the sun, having a nice meal and drive themselves totally nuts, or drive themselves to anxiety thinking about ten years from now. No other species pollutes the planet. We are the most capable species but we are also capable of extreme violence. Both are true.
So if you are a member of this species, you have a duty to evolve, to uplift the whole species. Evolution is the call of nature and kundalini is that – evolution.
We are designed to learn, to evolve but it is important to not wait for it. We need to actively engage in it.
The more we go into the great void, the more we can create from a new place. The more we transcend (go beyond the mind), the more we can bring those values here. We become more elegant, more harmonious, more fearless, more loving, more creative. These are natural side effects of gaining the value of infinity within your own consciousness.
So what’s the best course of action?
Refine, refine, refine. Take on greater and greater value of the infinite within yourself! And don’t wait. Evolve now!
Want to learn more?
Listen to Anand Ji speak about Kundalini and the evolution of consicousness in various wisdom talks on Sattva Connect. There are also several Himalayan Kundalini Kriya sets and Integrative Practices specifically designed to awaken your Kundalini.
AND, a brand new Kundalini Wisdom Series with Anand Ji is soon to be launched on Sattva Connect. So, stay tuned!