Can you feel it? That buzz in the air, the aliveness? Maybe you can sense it but you’re not sure why?
But you see, it’s that season! Festivities are in the air. And people from all over the world are, right now, packing their bags to make their way to India… just in time for the Sattva Summit.
Making the decision to unplug from the demands of the world and take time to recharge can be a difficult thing in today’s fast-paced society but for those of you willing to listen to the call of your soul, a whole new world opens up.
From the moment you arrive at Sattva Retreat, you feel the intelligence at work, as you are met by that sacred land. The abundant nature holds you in its all-encompassing embrace. The birds, butterflies, trees, flowers, rivers and mountains all welcome you by putting on their finest show. An incredible vortex of healing energy can be experienced and you feel like you are finally home.
And this is all before the Summit even begins!
Sattva Summit is a feast for the senses! The colors, the sounds, the food, the music, the play, conscious conversations, deep belly laugher and soul-warming experiences. The physical senses are nourished but simultaneously your internal state is transformed through consciousness-expanding practices and deep yogic wisdom.
We are meant to be in this world, enjoying the myriad of flavors, but the beauty comes when we can do this without being entangled in it. Being in the world, yet not of it. Experiencing all that is to be experienced while being anchored in the depth of ourselves. That is what is on offer at the Summit.
It is vast but also intimate, grounded in the here and now but also offering deeply transcendent experiences. It is dynamic but also still. It’s a coming together of hearts to create, inspire, evolve and transcend. It is nothing less than a full spectrum experience.
Those amongst you who are wanting to connect more deeply and experience more aliveness are set to descend on the Summit in just a matter of days. There is something so special and deeply moving about coming together in conscious community, chanting, dancing, meditating, journeying, filling up with Divine Wisdom, truly celebrating this life together.
But if you can’t be here with us this year, be sure to join us in spirit. Allow your being to blossom, your soul to soar, to sing. Be a beautiful light as you move through life, tapping into your brilliance and radiating it out. Be a part of our ever-evolving gathering of consciousness.
And the seeds that are planted here will germinate in all pockets of the globe.
So, are you ready?
Because it’s time! It’s time to sing, to dance, to laugh, to cry, to transform, to liberate, to celebrate, to experience that deep aliveness that lives within you.
And no matter where you are in the world, you can catch the festive vibe by joining Anand Ji for a Live Satsang direct from the Summit. Stay tuned to know the time when he will meet us live on Sattva Connect.
See you soon!