Singularity became plurality because there is fun in plurality. Singularity could remain singularity. It could maintain its status for infinity. That option was always available, to maintain its singular status.
The infinite creative intelligence decided it should become many because it will have more fun. It’s much more enjoyable.
We are a social species and it is of great value to us to share our experiences with our fellow beings, who are nothing but our own Self. We gain great strength in that. Having a community is really important, a sangha of evolutionary beings.
It is supremely helpful to be part of a conscious community of like-minded beings, as we are living at a time where there are a lot of values which are not yet at that level and so there is opposition. Resistance is there. Because of the conditioning you find within your own self, resistance is there.
When there is a conscious community with a collective intention, resistance is still there. Every individual has resistance in them to their own awakening because the nature of conditioning is that, but every individual also has an intention to awaken. When we come together with that shared intention, our shared intention is far stronger than our shared resistance and so we lift each other up. So, it is absolutely magnificent to share of oneself in that way, to be generous in that way, generous with our sadhana. In sadhana we must favour people, shared experiences. There is a power in that.
People living behind picket fences in isolated lives, this model is unsustainable. Moving forward, the model that is going to happen is communities. That’s what will thrive. People who are living in that way, practicing together. Otherwise, how are human beings coming together? Often, only when stressed, at the office, for a night out to blow off steam. It’s stress, stress, stress. People are often coming together at their worst with each other.
But we long for each other. We don’t have to deny that. There is a great joy in sharing, there is such an ecstasy in sharing, to be generous in that way, because that’s the nature of God and the more godly you become, the more generous you have to be. Be generous with yourself, not just with things, generous with yourself. That is the future which is already here.
Sangha is people living in that way, practicing together, coming together because, when you do, you experience a whole different meaning of life; a very different quality of experience arises. It’s unique. It has a very sweet fragrance to it and it elevates you above the little problems of life.
So, sangha is of paramount importance but, within the sangha, always being radically aware of your own personal responsibility.
The sangha is nothing but a coming together. It’s the individual which is primary. Sangha is secondary. Even though when sangha happens, there is a whole new intelligence that arises.
Our body is a sangha. It’s a sangha of cells who are coexisting with cooperation and surrendering their personal preferences for a shared experience called this body.
Atoms come together and form molecules. Molecules come together and form cells. As the different parts come together, a whole new intelligence just manifests itself. That’s how nature is designed, different layers of communities, sanghas at different levels, and a whole new intelligence manifests. Fundamentally, it’s one field. It’s just different at different levels.
So, by coming together, a whole new intelligence starts to happen. That’s just the law of nature. But within that we have to be aware of our own personal, radical responsibility at all times. What is your contribution? How are you impacting the whole?
There are spiritual principles of relating that we must honour, not blaming, gossiping, speaking about a person behind their back, certain fundamentals that we must follow. Yet there is an incredible power in togetherness and that is the way in which life is going right now. The old way of isolated living, egocentric living, is an unsustainable model. Sangha living is the future.