The ego, or Ahamkara in Sanskrit, is the false sense of self. Ego exists in every mind. It’s fundamental experience of life is existential crisis because it’s afraid of life itself and so it is constantly trying to control life. It exists in a state of isolation, separate, feeling lonely within itself, threatened by life.
It doesn’t feel any love and so it is looking for validation constantly. ‘What is my worth?’
So, that’s why all spiritual teachings are about self-realization. As you begin to move in the direction of Self, as your awareness starts to increase and go beyond the limited linear mind, you start to refine, your consciousness expands and in that expansion the ego naturally starts to drop.
But don’t confuse ego with individuality. A lot of times people confuse these. The ego is not your individuality.
As you go beyond your ego, you start to come to your own unique individuality; you as a unique expression of the infinite. There is no second you. Then you start to honour yourself, your journey, your path, and then you start to feel that your life is purposeful.
The yogic practices help us to remember who we are.
As you begin to realise who you are, the ego starts to drop naturally. Then you evolve. You start to genuinely become interested in evolution.
You are no more looking for self-worth. In ego, you are constantly looking for self- worth. Why? Because inherently you feel worthless. Why? Because you are disconnected from your ground of being. That’s ego! When you start to move beyond the ego, you don’t feel worthless anymore.
You are the stardust. The whole infinite, shapeless and formless, has become you right now.
You have the same intelligence as the sun, the moon, and the stars. How can you have the experience of worthlessness?
You can only have the experience of worthlessness when you are bound within a very isolated identity, based purely on a narrative in thought. That ego will have a self-worth issue always, constant self-hatred will be there.
Who I am versus who would I rather be, what I have versus what I would rather have. This constant self-judgment is there.
So, naturally, as you begin to move in the direction of yourself, this issue around self-worth drops. And that’s why the yogic techniques are there.
You can’t talk your way out of ego. You need to practice. You need to refine your awareness. You need to have a visceral experience of yourself beyond the mind.
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