A very essential part of a yogi’s life, an awakened life, is a deep intimacy with aloneness.
As you go deeper and deeper into that aloneness, what happens to you is oneness. You start experiencing the profound state of oneness with all, with the source, with the field, with that which is timeless, with pure awareness. You are that awareness and when you start experiencing that, there is never loneliness.
Then you walk alone yet you are always open and willing to serve and uplift people. You are not afraid of intimacy but, in your presence, there is no neediness anymore.
An awakened individual is deeply responsible and that responsibility can fully be understood only when that individual is ready to be alone, to be intimate with themselves. They are not afraid of being with themselves.
As long as we are not comfortable with being with ourselves, we are constantly seeking escape through activity, substance, thought, relationship, whatever it may be. This activity, person or substance fills this never-ending hole but after a while that feeling of anxiety, loneliness, disconnect starts to arise again. There is no end to this condition as long as we are running, thinking that there will be someone or something that can fix this, can fill this hole.
But this is not something that can be fixed. It is something that can only be transcended. That transcendence happens only when we look inward to the source, when we are not running away, not escaping. As you start to transcend the ego which exists in a state of disconnect, you start to arrive to the state of connection. In that connection there is oneness with all. There is the end of neediness and only when there is the end of neediness can there be true love. Otherwise, all love has elements of neediness and entitlement. And when the need is not met, love can quickly turn into hate.
An awakened soul has transcended their neediness, their loneliness, and come to oneness.
When you are not connected to this oneness you can be with a lot of people and still experience loneliness. You can be in a relationship, at a party, or have lots of friends but still be deeply lonely inside.
But when you are connected, you can be walking in the forest by yourself, you can be sitting on the mountain top, or on the banks of the river watching the grass grow. There is no thought of being lonely because that’s just an idea in the mind. What you experience is a deep sense of intimacy with existence, with what is.
The whole of existence is in love with us. This is a love affair right here. The love is waiting right here but we are looking elsewhere.
So, I invite you to look toward this beloved which is longing for your glance. And as you embrace your aloneness, what you will experience is a profound unity which is your birthright.