One of the more raw expressions of Shakti is Parvati, the goddess of nature, Gaia. Parvat means mountain and so Parvati means the one who lives on the top of the mountain, but the meaning is also referring to the natural intelligence, nature’s bounty, Mother Earth.
Parvati is the manifestation of Shakti that is depicted with Shiva. When Kali comes, Shiva is beneath her feet, and when Durga is there, no Shiva is around. So, only when there is Parvati is Shiva shown as a counterpart. Shiva Shakti.
Parvati represents fertility, vitality and connectedness with the earth. The energy of Parvati is very grounded. It’s the capacity to be a space holder.
This is a quality that every yogi must develop within themselves, being the space holder so people can have experiences. You are holding space without needing anything from the space.
Your intention is to support the evolution of all beings in that space, without needing anything from that space. There is also vairagya within that, detachment is there. It’s an intention, not an investment.
Their evolution is not your need. It’s your intention. That’s a Parvati quality.
This is just like the mountain, supporting us, radiating their potential for us to enjoy. Even if you don’t see the mountain, you are impacted by its presence.
As we get more and more into unity, aligning with nature, this Parvati quality strengthens within us.
Parvati is raw energy, not covered. The yogi is not ashamed of their own Shakti. Our culture teaches us to play small, to deny our power, to hide it, to suppress it.
Parvati represents celebrating your power, your shakti, your creativity, your radiance.
She reminds us to not suppress, as there is no shame around any of it. Just Shakti being herself fully, in all her glory. There is no shame around being oneself totally.
Invoke the Goodess within and cultivate the qualities of Parvati with Ritika's Goddess Series on Sattva Connect.