Dearest Sangha,
Here we are again in this season of gratitude, a reminder for us to check in with ourselves so that we aren’t just going through life on autopilot; encouraging us to slow down and realize that what we need isn’t more, more and more but instead to really notice what we have already been gifted by life.
Thanksgiving gives us yet another opportunity to pause and contemplate; What is it within us that stops us from living every day in this energy, filled with deep appreciation for life and this journey that we get to experience? What is it that makes us run and do instead of sit and be? When did we become human doings instead of human beings?
If you can, take a moment right now and come back to the breath. Feel the fullness of your breath, the aliveness of your breath. That energy is always right here, just waiting for us to tap into it. And as you breathe, ask yourself:
- What is it within you that stands in the way of your lovingness?
- And what is it that you could let go of right now?
- And in what ways could you love yourself more fully?
- And are there people in your life that you could appreciate more?
- Are there people who care for you, support you?
- Are there people who trigger you?
- And are you willing to appreciate them all?
- Have you come to that place within yourself where you are no longer willing to let anything stand in the way of your lovingness, your gratitude, your deep heartfelt appreciation? Because if not now, then when?
This deep appreciation opens up the fullness of life as it brings us right here and now, in this moment. It plugs us in. No more resisting, no more chasing. It frees us from our past and elevates our future.
And when we really look, sometimes, the things that we can be most grateful for are actually the things that our conscious minds would never have chosen – those little pushes by life to grow, to expand, to lean in, to level up, those people and situations that compel us to choose a different way of being.
Loving kindness, compassion, and gratefulness are fundamental qualities of an awakened heart.
And yoga is to be practiced now. It’s about being nice now, being grateful now, being generous now, loving now. Because the only time is now.
But what if you are reading this and you don’t feel that you are there yet?
To shift your state simply ask, “What can I be grateful for right now?” and then come into your heart and activate that feeling of gratitude and radiate it out. Feel that deep appreciation filling every cell, completely washing over you.
No matter what’s happening in life, everyone has something that they can be grateful for. But sometimes it’s necessary to really pause and take a minute to recognize the privilege that we have to be on this journey together. Don’t miss this opportunity. Make this lifetime count!
Appreciate those around you who love and support you, who show up for you, who see the beauty in you AND appreciate those around you who do none of those things. The people who trigger you, who look down on you, who exclude you. Be the one who finds the beauty in everyone and everything. Be the one who sees the way.
And when you feel grateful for someone, just know that the right time to express it is always NOW!
Happy Thanksgiving to our beautiful sangha! We are so very grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you for your continued support, love and kindness! For rising up and spreading your light in this world, making it a better place to be.