As you set foot into the garden of your own inner silence, there is a deep union that occurs, a deep bliss that arises. This is your true nature, Sat (truth), Chit (consciousness), Ananda (bliss).
You start to experience yourself and when thoughts come, you realize that you are not your thoughts. Worries about the future might arise, but you realize that you are not your future. Memories from the past can show up, but you realize that you are not your past.
You are not this body. You are simply using it. You are expressing yourself though the body but you are not just this body. You are not just the mind. You are beyond all of it. All of this body and mind arises within you. You are pure consciousness, the unbounded consciousness, timeless, untouched by conditioning, fear, memory, pain, untouched by time itself. This is the truth of who you are.
The content of your consciousness is not you. You are pure consciousness.
Turn your focus to your own Self. Become aware. Let the awareness become aware of awareness itself. Transcend the objects of consciousness, the content of consciousness, and arrive to consciousness. As you merge into this consciousness, you will experience a deeper and deeper state of profound silence, a silence which is very full, which is moving in you like waves of deep love.
In that silence, there is bliss, there is truth. That is your true nature, Sat Chit Ananda.
Sat is truth. Truth is not something you can speak or hear. Truth is something you can only experience. The only truth is the infinite value of Self, Chitta, pure consciousness, unbounded, beyond time, not a product, not an effect but the cause of this creation, the cause of the play, not an effect of the play. Ananda, pure bliss, pure love, is the essential quality of awareness.
As you go deeper into yourself, as you begin to witness your true nature, that is what arises in you, Sat Chit Ananda.
“If you only know what bliss I find in being nothing.” – Rumi. Know this. Let this be your experience. Live your life from that place.
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