‘Man’ means heart and ‘tra’ means expansion and liberation. So mantra means working with the expansive energy of the electromagnetic field of the heart.
The first vibration we experience, the first mantra, is the heartbeat so mantra is really connected with the heart center, the anahata chakra. Anahata means unstruck sound. It is the beginning of sound.
Mantra is a very powerful tool. It is a medicine to raise our consciousness. It brings us into a deep state of trust, devotion and surrender.
But we need to consciously open ourselves up to receive from the mantra. We do this by chanting from the heart, for the power of the mantra lies within the heart. This bhava (attitude) is a very important aspect of mantra.
All sound is an expression of consciousness. There are four levels of sound: auditory, thought, subtle feeling and silence. The meaning of a mantra is not static. It is shifting. The ultimate meaning is at the transcendental level, where there is no thought. When the mantra takes on the value of silence, it takes on its cosmic value. It is the ultimate way we experience that value. The sound of a mantra is met by the individual, by his or her state of consciousness. As one refines, the meaning shifts. Every time you revisit the mantra it shifts.
How can Mantra benefit you?
Experience Deep Relaxation
Repetitive chanting has a direct effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, slowing breathing and activating the vagus nerve.
On top of that, Sanskrit mantras are onomatopoeic, meaning the sound and the actual object that it describes are one and the same. This creates an even deeper, hypnotic, energetic experience.
Change Habits
As we recite mantra, natural awareness arises. We start to see the subconscious and that seeing gives us the possibility of change. Reciting mantra creates new synapses in the brain, allowing us to come out of the loops of the mind and find new ways of being. They change our neurochemistry and refine our consciousness state.
Become Energy-Rich
We are interacting with many different vibratory values daily. If we don’t have a way of correcting our energy, we become affected by it. The law of nature is that the energy-rich environment prevails. Reciting mantra creates an energy-rich environment within ourselves, and so we are not so affected by the external.
Receive Nature’s Support
Using mantra daily helps to invoke the value of the sacred in one’s life. When you take on that value, it will expand and create a vortex in your life; the universe will start to organize itself around this. You will have the vibrational support of nature. When we vibrate at this level, flow starts to happen in our life, instead of obstruction, as we are getting out of the way of ourselves.
The invitation of Mantra is to experience the deeper meaning of the mantra. Its ultimate purpose is to bring you back to source. So don’t resist. Allow it to take you over, to guide you home. You know you want to.
To learn more about mantra and start chanting today, visit our Mantra Lab on Sattva Connect. 14-day free trial now available. You may also learn the sacred art of chanting through our online course The Devotional Path Of Chanting, read more here.