Witness consciousness is a very important place to keep returning to because that is the place in you where you are not identified with anything, where you are not agreeing or disagreeing, where you are not trying to figure it all out.
Your analytical mind is constantly busy, trying to analyze every situation it meets, every person it meets. So to be in witness consciousness requires courage, surrender, love, and an immense experience of trust as then we are no longer trying to take control or fix the situation.
Nature is playing in front of you. She is taking care of it. We falsely think we are doing it. But this idea is a trap. If you can just step away from the idea that you are doing it all, you will experience more freedom, more space, and wherever there is more space there is greater access to intelligence and clarity.
So, we need to cultivate it as a daily practice where we are just watching the play going on. Just step back, without judging, without critiquing, without analyzing, without trying to figure it out and just simply be a witness to it all, observing it all.
In that observation itself there is understanding. That observation leads you to a greater depth of understanding. Automatically the judgment and critique fall away and greater clarity arises.
In witness consciousness, you become more and more intimate with the one who watches everything. You know that by knowing which everything else is known.
In the beginning, we must consciously practice returning to that space of witnessing, pulling back the senses that are trying to give meaning to data they are receiving from the world.
Witness consciousness is just stepping back. Then your meaning is not coming from the five senses and the mind. It is coming from something deeper in you. Then you are just watching and there is profound peace in that – a great silence is there.
There will be a distance between you and thought. Thought will arise but it will be in a distant field, not so intimate.
Later, it will happen spontaneously but at the beginning we must consciously invite it in, where we are just simply watching, observing.
So take a step back right now and become more intimate with the one who watches everything. Know that by knowing which everything else is known.
To cultivate witness consciousness practice a meditative kriya set or any of the meditation techniques offered on Sattva Connect. 14-day free trial.