Sacred Geometry, or Yantras are expressions of light. From this light form takes place. The Sanskrit word Yantra comes from the word ‘yam’ meaning to sustain, hold or support the energy inherent in a particular object, element or concept. ‘Tra’ means expansion.
Every Yantra is a dwelling for certain planets, elements, gods or goddesses. Yantra is one of the aspects of Tantra and works as a substitute for the image or murti (statue) of a deity. Different Yantras contain specific mantras along with the subtle energy body and the vibration of the god/goddess expressing their sense of spirit and energy.
The center, or Bindu from which everything radiates outward, is always the optical focus of the Yantra. Awakening one’s inner center means, to gather one’s self into a single, creative point and merge with the universe. To ‘center’ one’s self is a pathway towards inner awakening.
There are many different types of Yantras. Sri Yantra is the most powerful and celebrated of all tantric yantras. It is a representation of cosmic creation. Sri Yantra is formed by a three step Bhupura (the square exterior limit of the Yantra) which represents the 4 aspects of the mind (Manas, Ahamkara, Buddhi and Chitta), three radius circles (representing the trinity, cycles of time and states of consciousness), a circle of petaled lotus’s two interlocking sets of triangles (four facing upward representing the male aspect and five facing downward representing the female aspect). In the center triangle, is the Bindu, where Tripura Sundari (Goddess of bliss, delight, total fulfillment) resides and where the merging is experienced between the masculine and feminine.
Everything radiates outward from the center point. The nature of nature is to expand; all the triangles represent this expansion but still maintain the quality of stillness. This body is ultimately the Sri Yantra. When invoked, Sri brings forth abundant living and connection to the feminine energy of creation which is called Shakti. Invoking the goddess within to rise and shine forth, enables one to live a life where all desires are met before they are realized.
Using Sacred Geometry In Meditation
Create a sacred space in your home where you can come and sit on a daily basis and drop into stillness. Tune into what energy you would like to invoke into your life and choose the Yantra that supports that intention. Place the Yantra on a table or shelf at eye level. In front of the Yantra place a small candle. Light the flame and focus your eyes on the flame for 9 minutes. Try to blink your eyes as little as possible. Focusing your attention and intention on bringing in the qualities of that Yantra into your life.
There are many different techniques we can utilize when it comes to meditating. This specific practice of meditation is called Tratika. In addition to invoking the qualities of the Yantra into your life it helps to strengthen the aura, develops deep concentration and one pointed focus. It is recommended to do this practice for 21 days.
Full Value Living
By doing any type of meditation or devotional practice we raise our deserving power. When working with Yantras over time, we begin to see subtle and major shifts in our lives. These reflect the energy that the specific Yantra is expressing, such as correcting energy of spaces, illuminating qualities and spiritual knowledge of the highest order, deeper connection to the goddess energy or attuning with qualities of the sun or other planets. All leadingus to living a more magical, aligned and fulfilled life.
Practice the 21-day Sri Sadhana with Annemarie on Sattva Connect. Invoke the presence of the goddess within and without!