When we talk about self-healing, we have to realize that we are, oftentimes, focusing on some problem, on something being wrong. As long as there is an idea in the mind that there is something wrong happening to you, in your body or in your life, the self-healing process is difficult as there’s anxiety present in the being who is trying to heal himself or herself. And with the presence of anxiety, there is a natural depletion of energy. So before we can go into self-healing, we have to master the art of self-acceptance. This means that you begin to realize that, no matter where you are in this moment in your life, physically, psychologically, in your career, in your relations, no matter what is going on, it is where you are meant to be.
The whole intelligence of the universe has brought you to this moment, to this experience.
When you begin to absolutely accept yourself, irrespective of any challenge you might be experiencing in this moment, there is a natural state of peace that arises. This state of peace is far stronger than the state of anxiety you experience when you feel that something bad is happening to you.
For you to heal yourself, a deep state of peace has to be there without any anxiety, without any resistance or frustration.
Whenever there is something even slightly challenging happening, the first response of the human psyche is usually to panic, to get into anxiety, to focus on what’s wrong. It can be about something physical, emotional, psychological, something to do with your career or anywhere you feel dis-ease, meaning you are not at ease. And when you are not at ease, you become identified with the issue. Whether it’s of the physical kind or external kind doesn’t matter.
The first and most important step of self-healing is to come to a deep state of equanimity.
No matter where you are, no matter what the challenge is, no matter what the situation, a deep state of equanimity has to be invited in. As that starts to happen, there is a deep state of peace. And in that peace, there is appreciation of what is. Then your perspective expands.
Otherwise, when you are faced with a challenge, your perspective narrows, your focus becomes narrow, you become obsessed with the problem, with the challenge. That’s what occupies your consciousness at all times and thereby weakens you.
But when you are in a state of equanimity, in a state of deep peace, your perspective is expansive. You aren’t just obsessed with the issue. You are able to see layers beneath and layers above, layers in all directions. That is brilliance. In that, there is insight. So you naturally start to see the way.
There is a natural clarity, without any anxiety about the future. “Will I heal?” “Will this get better?” “Will the situation pass?” None of that is there because you are no longer burdened by what you are experiencing. And when there is no burden, there is power.
Then you can begin to heal yourself. If the issue is on the physical level, send energy to that part consciously, in your meditation. Visualize that part fully vibrant, full of light; see it clearly as full of vitality, full of prana and be consistent with it.
If there is an issue in your life, send light and wisdom to that aspect of your life. But it will only work when you are not identified with it.
Only when the battle ends, only when you lay down the weapons, when you aren’t fighting anymore, can you heal. This is because there is a connection to the source, to the whole. Otherwise, you develop a chronic issue and the issue keeps repeating as you have become identified with it.
Who you are is far greater than what you are experiencing.
Whether it’s a challenge on an external level, on a physical level, or on the life level, it doesn’t matter. You are far greater than any of it. And as you anchor yourself in the true Self, healing happens.
It is important to have a daily ritual of releasing all stress that your mind-body accumulates since you walk through space and time. Build the positive mind, use affirmations, visualizations to keep the mind-body healthy, keep your practice regular and be mindful of what you put in your life, what you consume, what you give attention to, and what you accept on a physical or mental level.
Let your way of life be that of an enlightened being.
Don’t wait to practice self-healing when you are sick or challenged. If you are practicing self-healing as a way of life, you don’t need to get sick. Even if an issue arises, it will not be a big dramatic issue. You will simply take it as a part of life. Sometimes things happen. You will just do what needs to be done and continue.
Let go of this idea that there is something wrong happening to you or there is something wrong in your life.
To be awake is to be in a deep state of equanimity with what is, no fighting. Only then a creative response can arise. Otherwise, there is only reaction and reaction cannot heal. It cannot solve. It can’t see the way. Only an equanimous being can see the way because the challenge or the obstacle, whatever is arising, is part of the way. It’s not in opposition to the way.
An enlightened being is deeply equanimous – no anxiety, no stress is there.
In the Sattva practice, there are specific kriyas, mantras, and meditations with visualizations and affirmations that can be used to heal. Use the power of consciousness to build a positive mind, to infuse the mind-body with positive energy. This will help greatly in the healing process.
You can also join Saraswati on Sattva Connect for her ‘54-day Sadhana to Build a Positive Mind’. Feel supported on your healing journey with Sattva Connect.